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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Will the COVID-19 Crisis defeat the Climate Change Crisis ?

COVID-19 panic is peaking
in the Detroit metropolitan 
area this week, or maybe
next week.

Once the COVID-19 crisis 
subsides, in a month or two,
based on prior seasonal
patterns for influenza,  
few people will be 
in the mood to panic 
about anything else !

Especially climate change.

It's human nature 
to address real danger. 

COVID-19 is a 
real danger to people, 
especially for those
over age 65, with 
other medical issues. 

I'm in that category. 

I'd like to hope readers 
of this blog have been 
convinced that there
is no climate change
crisis in progress.

In fact, the actual climate 
has been getting better 
since the late 1600s.

But many Americans 
don't care about 
that reality.

They have been 
brainwashed by 
climate computer 
games to believe
that FUTURE global 
warming will be 100% 
bad news, unlike past
global warming.

But many CO2 is evil 
believers do not expect 
a climate crisis to
happen for another 
decade, or two.

So there's no 
immediate need 
for a return to 
climate change 
panic, after the 
COVID-19 panic 

The alleged coming
climate crisis is 
highly uncertain,
and disputed. 

The alleged 97% 
scientific consensus 
is an often repeated
lie, from fake surveys,
"adjusted" to get that
pre-determined result.

Note that a consensus
vote means anything 
in real science !

People want to get back 
to being relaxed and happy,
at least on the weekends.

But climate alarmists 
can't stand happiness
-- they want 
a renewed focus on
climate change alarm.

Climate change alarm 
had already been fading,
because pro-Democrat
TV stations had spent 
so much time attacking 
President Trump
for the past few years !

The leftist 
Media Matters, 
revealed there were 
only 238 minutes 
of climate crisis 
coverage by major 
US TV networks 
in 2019 !

Climate warnings 
have been ongoing 
for over 30 years. 

100% of the 
dire predictions 
never happened.

If people do NOT return
to a climate change panic,
perhaps the 'greens'  
will panic ?

Will they eventually
support a dictatorship, 
as the last hope to force 
people "under their 
green thumb" ?

Then mandatory climate 
change actions, coming
from Washington, DC, 
could replace the 
mandatory stay at home 
COVID-19 directives, 
coming from most 
state governors ?

Hopefully, that's just 
a bad dream I had.