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Friday, May 1, 2020

Michael Moore says- Green energies as a savior is “just a delusion”

Michael Moore, 
implies he's from 
Flint, Michigan,
a poor city 
that I avoid, 
even though
it's only an hour 
from my home.

Moore is actually from 
a wealthy Flint suburb
called Davidson.

I paid no attention to him
until he predicted Trump
would win in 2016.

Moore's latest film,
"Planet of the Humans",
goes after green energy 
promoters, believe it
or not.

It tell us that
renewable energy
is NOT the solution 
to the CO2 problem.

In fact, everything
we’ve been told 
about green energy
is a lie. 

And a select few 
'swindlers' are 
making lot's of 
money while the 
environment gets 
'devoured by the
'green' technologies.

The documentary was 
directed by Jeff Gibbs, 
who was a producer on 
Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 
and Bowling for Columbine. 

These two 
are telling us that 
renewable energy
is dirty energy, 
because it does 
damage to the 

And the people who 
make money out of it 
are crony-capitalists. 

the film, 
one adjective 
gets used 
to describe 
green energies: 

“I’m in a 
Director Gibbs 
tells us, 
at the beginning 
of the movie. 

“I’m against 
our addiction 
to fossil fuels 
and have 
long been a fan 
of  green energy. 

But everywhere 
I encountered 
green energy, 
it wasn’t what 
it seemed.”

They visit a zoo, 
"powered by 
elephant dung",
which turns out 
to not even produce 
enough elephant 
dung power to heat 
the elephant barn.

They visit a 
“solar powered” 
music festival 
and discover that 
behind the scenes 
it is largely powered 
by diesel generators.

They visit an 
ethanol plant 
— whose wood 
has to be 
using fossil-fuel 
powered equipment 
and depends for 
its operational 
on coal.

They visit a 
lovely old woods 
beloved by hikers, 
and nature lovers, 
in rural Vermont 
being cut down  
to build a wind farm.

They see 500-year old 
yuccas in the Mojave desert 
being torn up and shredded 
to make way for a “clean” 
energy solar plant.

“It was enough to make 
my head explode,” 
Gibbs confesses.
“Green energy is not 
going to save us.”

Gibbs finds people 
and organizations 
stoking the war 
on fossil fuels and 
most aggressively 
... are invariably 
the ones who stand 
to benefit financially.

Their Hall of Shame: 
Canadian activist 
 Bill McKibben; 
Al Gore; 
Van Jones; 
Robert F Kennedy Jr; 
Jeremy Grantham; 
Michael Bloomberg; 
Richard Branson.

Michael Moore says 
we are losing the battle 
to stop climate change 
because we are 
following leaders 
who have taken us 
down the wrong road 
— selling out the green 
movement to wealthy
interests and corporate 

Green energy fraud includes: 
-- Low output of wind and sun, 
-- False promises of green energy 
being free and clean, and
-- Toxic waste they produce.

A biomass plant in Michigan 
burns toxic creosote railroad 
ties along with ordinary wood
-- all located next door
to a Head Start school 
and home for the elderly. 

In the wintertime snow 
on the ground turns black.

In Lansing Michigan, 
tonnes of concrete 
and steel were 
installed to support 
a football-field size 
solar panel system 
that can supply energy 
for only 10 homes
 for a year. 

In Vermont, hectares of 
mountain forest were 
removed as the entire 
Lowell Mountain ridge 
was blasted to make way 
for thousands of tonnes 
of steel and concrete, and 
21 monster wind turbines, 
which produce electricity 
only one day a week, 
on average.

The film also spreads 
the usual leftist fairy tales, 
such as: 
-- There are too many 
people on the planet, 

-- Our resources 
are limited, and

-- Climate change 
is a serious problem.