Real climate science is much more complicated and uncertain
than you have been led to believe.
That's why no one has ever accurately predicted the future climate.
The claim of a coming climate crisis is based entirely on computer games.
Games that have grossly over-predicted global warming for the past five decades !
If they were real climate models, they would make accurate predictions !
The coming climate crisis is a wild guess prediction we've been hearing every year, for the past for 50 years.
No one is sure how much man-made CO2 affects the climate -- lab experiments suggest mild, harmless warming, and that's what we've had since 1975.
But ... we also had mild, harmless warming from the 1690s to 1975, which can not be blamed on man made CO2 from burning fossil fuels.
The climate change movement has been taken over by power-hungry leftist politicians.
They hire bureaucrats with advanced science degrees to provide scary climate predictions.
The predictions never come true, even though the bureaucrats "adjust" historical temperature data, at will, to create more global warming out of thin air.
Leftist politicians want people to believe a climate crisis is coming, and only they can save the planet.
They will need a much more powerful government, not because they love power, but 'only' to save the planet.
The planet does not need saving, but leftists will never debate that !
A climate crisis has been "coming" since the 1970s, but no crisis ever shows up.
What showed up was mild, harmless warming, mainly affecting colder areas, such as Alaska.
Most of the warming was in the coldest six months of the year, and most of the warming was at night.
"Green energy' is mainly a boondoggle for crony capitalists looking for green industry subsidies.
Replacing cheap, reliable fossil fuel energy sources with expensive, intermittent wind and solar energy sources, makes no sense.
Burning wood is somewhat of a "renewable energy", but not clean, and not CO2-free.
At a huge expense, using a lot of solar and wind power might make the world a few tenths of a degree cooler.
China, India and developing nations are not going to reduce their CO2 emissions -- and they still love coal.
After 325+ years of intermittent global warming, since the 1690s, it's obvious that warming has never hurt anyone.
And that warming began long before people started burning fossil fuels for heating their homes and powering their cars and trucks !
There is no logical reason to believe that harmless global warming, ongoing for the past 325+ years, would suddenly become an "existential crisis" in the future.
If you want a real problem to worry about, how about the air pollution over Asian cities, or the one billion people on Earth without electricity, or perhaps exploding silicone breast implants ?