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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Climate change rappin' -- The climate sensitivity game

Climate sensitivity
is the long term 
change in the 
global average
( inaccurately 
called "the climate" )
after a doubling 
of the atmospheric 
CO2 level.  

A common term is 
Equilibrium Climate
Sensitivity, or ECS.

ECS is unknown,
so scientists make 
wild guesses.

Lab experiments 
suggest more CO2
ought ro cause mild
global warming,
amount unknown.

There has been mild
global warming for 
about 325 years.

At least half of that 
warming can't be 
blamed on man 
made CO2.

Natural causes
of climate change 
can cause global
warming too.

Canada was covered
with glaciers 20,000
years ago, and they 
melted from about
20,000 to 10,000 
years ago.

Not caused by man
made CO2, of course.

Warming since 1975
could have been
caused by man made
CO2, and natural 
causes of climate

No one knows
the exact causes
of the warming.

We can jump
to a conclusion, 
like almost all
climate alarmists do,
and assume ONLY
CO2 levels control
the climate.

Using that 
we could claim 
a doubling of the
CO2 level would 
cause about a 
+1 to +1.5 degree
increase of the global
average temperature,
which would take
at least one century.

But that would be
a harmless rate
global warming,
and also below 
the ECS range
estimated by most
climate alarmists
since the 1970's:
+1.5 to +4.5
 degrees C.

Climate alarmists
always refuse 
to acknowledge
that PAST global 
warming was harmless
... even after 325 years
of harmless warming.

Nor will they predict 
harmless FUTURE
global warming.

If you want to
be an alarmist, 
you must predict 
alarming !

And you keep 
making the 
same scary 
every year,
for over 40 years, 
while the temperature 
barely changes.

And you use a single
global average 
temperature not
 one person lives in/

With a single average 
you can hide important

You don't have 
to show that
 actual warming 
since 1975,
was mainly 
in locations, 
and at times,
when warming
was good news
 -- such as the 
warmer winter 
nights in Alaska.

Cimate alarmists
stick with their high 
ECS wild guess, and 
ignore the fact that
their climate models 
over predict warming 
by 2x to 3x, using that
fantasy ECS !

There’s not a lot 
of warming over 
the 20th century 
to explain.

So alarmists
came up with 
a bizarre theory
to explain that 
a high ECS,
that generates 
alarming future 
climate projections,
is the correct ECS.

They claim that 
we are not seeing 
a much faster 
CO2 warming
rate because 
the CO2 warming 
is partially offset
by air pollution 
blocking some 
incoming solar
energy (sunlight).

The "aerosol"
air pollution
(sulphur dioxide 
and soot, aka 
particulate matter), 
allegedly blocks
some sunlight, 
causing global
cooling, that partially
offsets some 
of the CO2 warming.

There was plenty 
of air pollution 
in the 1960's 
and 1970s.

That theory 
might help explain 
why the global average 
temperature declined 
from 1940 to 1975, 
based on real time
by about -0.3 to -0.5
degrees C. 
( Note: The
climate alarmists
have been "adjusting"
away that cooling, over
the past few decades, 
so that now temperature
compilations pretend
there was only
-0.1 degree C.
cooling, or the cooling
never happened at all ! )

The HUGE problem 
with the aerosol 
cooling theory is
global warming
started in 1975.

So what happened
to all the air pollution ?

Did the change from 
cooling to warming
happen because
all the air pollution
fell out of the sky
in 1975 !

Of course not !

We have over 
four decades of 
weather satellite 
that provide 
near global
in a stable

Satellites are also 
in the troposphere,
measuring where 
the greenhouse
effect occurs.

The satellite
ignored by climate
alarmists, reflect
mild global warming.

are real data.

That's real science.

Climate models 
have predicted
much faster
global warming,
except for one
Russian model.

Models make 
wild guesses,
and their output 
is not real data.

Model wild guesses
consistently grossly
over-predict global
warming (since the
1970s) !

The fact that errors 
are almost always
in the same direction
strongly suggests
climate models
are junk science.

That's no surprise,
because climate 
alarmism is 
junk science.