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Monday, June 1, 2020

The public health establishment claims global warming is a public health disaster -- they are clueless !

If you look at 
the World Health 
list of global
health threats, 
number one is 
climate change,
believe it or not !

Pandemics were down 
in third place, behind 
diseases’ such as 
diabetes and obesity.

The UK Lancet Countdown
is a coalition of 35 universities 
and UN agencies that produces 
a report to keep these ideas 
in the public eye.  

In 2018 it said climate change 
was ‘the biggest global health 
threat of the 21st century’. 

The Countdown’s Executive 
Summary makes vague 
insinuations that climate 
is causing serious public 
health problems. 

But when you look 
at actual data,
mortality has 
actually collapsed, 
and is now less
than half the level 
it was in 1990, 
when the 
dataset starts. 

Reality is a public
health triumph !

When considering hunger, 
the Countdown ignores 
crop yields, preferring 
a bizarre proxy:
‘global yield potential’
... which is computer
model nonsense !

crop yield data 
are available --
so we don't need 
computer models !

We are winning the battle 
against tropical diseases 
and hunger. 

But the Countdown 
resorts to yet another
proxy measure,
‘suitability for disease 
transmission’, that 
makes no sense.

And a peculiar focus 
on dengue, a minor 
disease, that happens
to be one of the few 
diseases that has 

Vast sums of money
available for climate 
change research 
are being squandered.

A slowly warming world
will improve health, 
especially because 
most of the warming 
has been in cold areas,
during the coldest 
six months of the year,
and at night.

Cool weather causes
far more health problems
than warm weather !