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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Environmentalism is a "Religion"

From environmentalist  
Michael Shellenberger,
in his new book 
"Apocalypse Never:
Why Environmental 
Alarmism  Hurts Us All." 

had been a devout 
advocate of the 
--  a leader in the field. 

This reversal 
will surely be termed 
"heresy" by the 
climate alarmists.

Shellenberger says 
our current global 
conversation on the 
environment is largely 
inaccurate, misguided, 
and filled with 
alarmism, and 

“The trouble with the 
new environmental religion 
is that it has become 
increasingly apocalyptic, 
destructive, and self-defeating,” 
Shellenberger writes.

“It leads 
its adherents 
to demonize 
their opponents, 
often hypocritically. 

It drives them to seek 
to restrict power and 
prosperity at home 
and abroad. 

And it spreads anxiety 
and depression 
without meeting 
the deeper psychological, 
existential, and spiritual 
needs its ostensibly 
secular devotees seek.”

He disagrees that 
climate change 
is humanity’s
most pressing problem, 
nor does he see it 
as a threat to human 

Climate change 
is a problem 
demanding attention, 
but we are not killing 
the earth, or ourselves.

Are we seeing 
a mass extinction 
of animal species 

Only if 0.001% 
of all species 
going extinct 
each year
 is a “mass.” 

Shellenberger explains 
how plastics actually 
break down into nothing,
 much faster and fully, 
than environmentalists 

And climate change
is not responsible 
for weather events.

Forcing environmentalist
 religious dogma 
onto Third World countries is 
“environmental colonialism" 
 ... “rich nations should 
do everything they can 
to help poor nations 

Carbon dioxide emissions 
decline as people move 
from wood to coal 
to natural gas, to what 
Mr. Shellenberger calls 
the safest and cleanest 
source of electric power: 
Nuclear energy.

demonstrates that 
for a group of people 
who proudly claim to be 
“people of science,” 
the environmentalists 
are a secular bunch 
of fundamentalists, 
whipped up into 
a religious frenzy 
by misguided faith, 
contrary to the 
best climate science.