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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Fake Consensus Surveys

Claims of a strong
“scientific consensus”
about a coming climate
change crisis are a myth.

Not that 
real science 
is ever based on 
a popular vote 
of scientists !

When you hear 
the "97%" myth,
that false number 
will be based on
a biased "survey",
or abstract-counting
exercise, that starts 
with a "97%"conclusion, 
and then does anything
necessary to support 
that desired number.

Honesty and 
fairness are
not necessary,
for leftist 

If they were,
I'd have to find
a new subject
for this blog !

There is no 97%, 
or 100% consensus 
on human-caused
global warming, 
as claimed in the 
four fake studies
in the next four 
short articles.

Modern climate
consists of 
100% wrong
wild guess 
predictions of 
the future climate.

The leftist-biased 
mainstream media
consistently ignore
how inaccurate the 
predictions have been.

Wrong predictions 
are not real science.

The wrong predictions 
for 45 years in a row
are an insult to the
American people,
especially when the
over-predict global 
warming by 2x to 3x, 
on average.

The one model that 
appears to make
accurate predictions,
is in Russia, but one
"good" model out of
many dozens could 
just be lucky guessing.

That model assumes 
CO2 will cause mild,
harmless warming,
as our planet has had,
intermittently, for the 
past 325 years.

You never hear about the
unique Russian climate
model because 
it's climate predictions
don't scare anyone 
= boring headlines !

Real science requires
accurate predictions ...
and sometimes they 
are just a lucky guess !