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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Greenland climate scaremongering

The UK  Guardian newspaper 
warned 10 years ago
that Greenland would pass 
a tipping point by now, 
with the glaciers there
disappearing by the
end of the century.

Richard Alley, a geosciences
 professor at Pennsylvania 
State University, had said: 
"Sometime in the next decade 
we may pass that tipping point 
which would put us warmer 
than temperatures that Greenland 
can survive," 

Alley also said, in a 
briefing to Congress, that 
"a rise in the range of 2C to 7C 
would mean the obliteration 
of Greenland’s ice sheet."

The fall-out would be
 a global sea level rise 
of 23ft (7 meters).

Low-lying cities, 
such as New Orleans, 
would be under water.

"What is going on 
in the Arctic now 
is the biggest 
and fastest thing 
that nature 
has ever done,"  
he said.

Clueless Mr. Alley 
must have forgotten 
that Canada, Chicago 
and Detroit were under 
thick ice glaciers 
20,000 years ago 
-- which all melted 
by 10,000 years ago, 
contributing to
a sea level rise 
of about 400 feet
 ... with no help 
from man made 
carbon dioxide.

Alley had been 
addressing a
U.S. House of 
committee on 
energy independence 
and global warming 
in 2010, during the 
Obama era.

His warning was underlined 
by a recent break-up of one of 
Greenland’s largest glaciers 
-- sending a 100 square mile 
chunk of ice drifting 
into the North Strait 
between Greenland
and Canada.

That calving ice chunk.
breaking off from the 
Petermann Glacier,
had been the largest 
known chunk in 50 years, 
although there had been 
many smaller glacier

Glaciers are
 "rivers of ice" 
that move slowly 
toward the ocean, 
until ice chunks
break off the edges 
and fall into the ocean
 -- that movement 
has nothing to do 
with global warming.

The UK Guardian article 
was written in 2010, 
which was the warmest 
year in the relatively 
short temperature record 
for Greenland, with all the 
measurements made 
DURING a warming trend.

Since then, Greenland’s 
temperatures returned to 
"normal", and are no higher 
than they were in the 1930s.

2010 was not 
the start of
a new trend.

It was just an 
warm year.

The Danish Meteorology 
Institute ( DMI ) reports that
Greenland’s major glaciers 
stopped retreating 
seven years ago:

In 2019 it was found that 
26 of the 47 largest-glaciers
in Greenland were stable
or gaining ice !

Earlier this month 
unprecedented amounts 
of ice were added to the 
Greenland ice sheet 
as noted on Electroverse:
4Gt one week and then 
5Gt a week later.

The Petermann Glacier
 (see photo below)
is still roughly in the 
same position 
as in 1980 !

On the satellite image below, 
the positions of the glacier 
at the end of the melting 
season in September 
   ( aka “terminus” ) 
are shown for the year 2000 
( marked with a pink line ) 
and  the year 1980.
 ( marked with a blue line ).

* The headline was very
       alarmist and misleading .

* The ‘scientist’ gave
      multiple timeline options.

* Projections were for
    so far into the future, 
      that they couldn't be falsified 
         for 50 to 100 years !

* 20 feet of sea level rise 
      is impossible within 
        100 years, or even 
            in 1,000 years

* Almost no facts, data or 
      measurable evidence,
        just assertions (wild
          guesses  of the future 
             climate ).

That's "textbook"
leftist climate change 
scaremongering !

During World War II, 
the US Air Force was 
forced to abandon 
some aircraft on the 
Greenland ice, after
they ran short of fuel.

A few years ago,
after years of trying,
a twin engined fighter
was discovered 
hundreds of feet down,
buried in the ice. 

Yet people claim
this ice is melting ?

Few people 
have any idea 
of basic physics, 
or how huge 
(area x height) 
the Greenland 
ice sheet is, 
and how much 
energy it would take 
to melt even 1% of it.

Most of the ice is at 
higher altitudes, where 
it never gets much 
above freezing.

The scaremongers 
can’t even get the 
summer sea ice 
to disappear, despite 
claiming it’s been 
‘rapidly melting’ 
for four decades.

Government bureaucrat 
"climate scientists"
are a laughing stock ! 

Since the 1980s,
they have been 
brought up on stage,
like climate puppets, 
to promote a scary
climate narrative,
and "educate" 
the policy makers 
with fake tales 
of our imminent 
demise ! 

How much longer 
are ‘experts’ 
going to be paid 
large sums 
of money  
by governments
( taxpayers ),
for dishonesty, 
scaremongering and 
misinformation ?

Nobody can 
do anything 
to prevent 

Just keep 
about it. 

If you're old, 
you can complain
about the weather 
every day !

We have already 
been through 
several alleged
climate change 
"tipping points"
since the 1970s.

Leftists never
let the truth 
stand in the way 
of a false climate 
change scare !

And don't worry 
about real climate
  High school dropout
St. Greta Thunberg,
and her disciple AOC,
both famous climate
science "perfessers",
have determined 
that the world will die
from climate change
on June 9, 2030 !

Mark that date
on your calendar.