The Carbon Dioxide Cult
says the climate today
is bad, and getting worse.
But the climate today
is actually wonderful,
and getting better !
But never mind reality !
The CO2 Cult says
adding CO2 to the air
will cause runaway
global warming that will
end life on Earth.
For billions of years,
our planet has had
more CO2 in the air
than it does today
-- and there was never
any runaway warming
from all that CO2
... or we would not be here today
to debate global warming !
I say adding CO2
to the atmosphere
is greening the Earth,
which is good news,
for the same reason
greenhouse owners
use CO2 enrichment
to accelerate the
growth of their plants.
The CO2 Cult says
CO2 controls the climate.
I say that no one knows
what controls the climate.
The CO2 Cult
replies to all skepticism
with a logical fallacy called
an Appeal to Authority:
' We have many
government bureaucrats
with science degrees
on our team
-- and they say
man made CO2 is evil.
So no one cares what
YOU think ! '
The CO2 Cult is based on
'because we say so'
( nonsense ).
Earth's climate
has been constantly
changing for over
four billion years.
20,000 years ago 95%
of Canada, along with
and Detroit and Chicago,
were covered with ice
The ice melted.
From natural climate change.
Not from people burning
coal, gasoline, heating oil
and natural gas.
The remaining ice
is still melting
... very slowly.
And sea level
is still rising
... very slowly --
about six to eight inches
a century with no visible
acceleration from global
The CO2 Cult claims natural
causes of climate change,
in progress for 4.5 billion years,
suddenly ended in about 1975,
with no explanation of how or why.
They claim man made
carbon dioxide (CO2) took over
as the "climate controller"
in 1975, and they claim
that CO2 emissions
from burning fossil fuels
causes global warming,
that will never end,
destroying all life on Earth.
If you are intelligent, and
question that wild guess
prediction, then you will
be ridiculed as a
climate denier,
Saul Alinsky style,
character attacked,
and told to go away,
using an argument
that can be reduced
to these childish thoughts:
'We have science degrees.
And the science is settled,
because we say so !
The CO2 Cult is a
new secular religion,
based on faith, just like
traditional religions!
We've heard over 50 years
of predictions of a coming
climate catastrophe
... yet our climate keeps getting better,
... and the climate is wonderful in 2020.
Tune out the leftist climate
scaremongering, and try
to enjoy our wonderful climate !