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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Brief notes on ocean acidification and COVID lockdowns versus CO2 levels

Two short articles.
Too important to leave
stored in my computer !

 on Ocean "Acidification":

There is mainly nonsense is spouted about ocean acidification. The alkali ocean water cannot become acidic, although they could become less alkali. Current measurements are not accurate enough to even make any claim. 

Never in geological history have the oceans been acidic. Even during the Cambrian period, with the atmospheric concentration of 7,000ppm CO2!
An increase in ocean temperatures preceded the increase of the CO2 levels in recent geological history -- the past 500,000 years, based on Antarctica ice core studies. No the other way around.

We have to go back to the oxygen-free world in the Precambrian period, and the formation of the banded ironstone, to find conditions when ocean waters were acidic. Fortunately, sea critters (mollusks) learned how to precipitate calcite from the ocean waters to make their shells, or else the oceans would have eventually become too alkaline to support life.

 on The Lack of CO2 Level Effects

 from the COVID Lockdowns:
The major reduction of CO2 emissions during the COVID partial lockdowns had no measurable effect on atmosphere CO2 levels. The CO2 levels continued to grow oblivious to what humans were doing. Or maybe i should say what humans were not doing. Often not driving to work and often not traveling at all.  I believe there is a good reason for this -- – several studies have shown that, contrary to climate alarmist claims, the net effect of changes of man made CO2 emissions may be too small to be relevant.