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Monday, September 14, 2020

How to challenge climate alartmists with simple questions they can't answer !

Let's say the climate alarmists claim we must stabilize greenhouse gas levels in the earth’s atmosphere.  Because, otherwise, we have no chance of limiting the global average temperature rise to +1.5 degrees C., which has to be done to prevent a climate catastrophe.

You can just ask them;

"Who said that?"

It's seems like an easy question, but will fluster most climate alarmists, because they are not very smart. You'll get meaningless answers, such as "Scientists say ... " ... or fake survey answers, such as "97 percent of scientists agree ...".  Sometimes you get what seems like the right answer: "That's what the UN's IIPCC says." (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)


The IPCC does not even suggest that more than +1.5 C. degrees of warming, with one degree already history, on their books, will cause a climate crisis. The Paris Accord target is still +2.0 C. degrees, a completely arbitrary target based on no science at all, that has probably been reached if you start the count in the cold, late 1600s ... roughly +2 degrees of warming since then with no harm to anyone!

Other questions,
where the correct
answer would refute
the irrational fear
of carbon dioxide,
or CO2:

— How much
global warming
do humans cause,
and how can that
be measured?

No one knows!
People will assert
many fake answers,
with high confidence,
and no scientific proof.

-- What are the plant
fertilization benefits of
more CO2 in the air?

 Thousands of studies, and
experiences of greenhouse
owners all over the world,
almost universally say
higher CO2 levels increase
plant growth, while
reducing their water
requirements too

— Why does
the predicted
climate model
global warming
exceed actual
global warming
by 200 percent,
on average?

Because climate
predictions are
mainly intended to
scare people, and
it's obvious that
being correct
is not important.

— Should one billion
people without
any electricity,
who can't afford
the expensive
be denied access
to cheap coal?​

Only if you hate
people living
in poverty,
and want them
to continue burning
highly polluting,
(especially indoors)
wood and animal dung !