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Monday, September 14, 2020

Kalisa et al. (2020) -- A Century of Drought in East Africa

Kalisa, W., Zhang, J., Igbawua, T.,
 Ujoh, F., Ebohon, O.J., Namugize, J.N.
and Yao, F.


Spatio-temporal analysis of drought
and return periods over the East African
region using Standardized Precipitation Index from 1920-2016.

Agricultural Water Management 237: 106195.

Full  Summary  Here:

My  Short  Summary  Follows:
An analysis of drought for Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Somalia and South-Sudan, using precipitation data archived by the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, UK, used to identify drought trends from 1920 to 2016.

Kalisa et al. report "a total of 41 wet years and 46 dry years" in the record,with no obvious long term trend. Instead of increasing over the past century, as climate alarmists predict is caused by global warming, drought magnitude and duration in East Africa have actually declined, as illustrated in Figure 1,