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Sunday, December 27, 2020

More Studies Find a Lack Of Correlation Between CO2 And Temperature


"Reconstructions of past temperatures show much colder periods with higher CO2 levels, or as-warm or warmer periods with much lower CO2 levels.

A new study (Paus, 2020) indicates modern July temperatures center around 7.5 to 8°C in the Scandes Mountains (Norway). Today’s CO2 atmospheric concentration has reached 410 ppm.

... with the discovery of temperature-sensitive tree species in the area it can be affirmed that July temperatures were also “at least 7-8°C” in the Scandes at this time. Despite more than a doubling of CO2, there has been no consequent summer temperature increase in this remote location.


In another new study from Eastern Europe, Blagoveshchenskaya (2020) has determined January temperatures were almost 11°C warmer than the Little Ice Age (700 to 300 yrs ago) and 4°C warmer than today from about 6,000 to 4,500 years ago.

... once again, reconstructions of Holocene temperatures do not support the narrative that CO2 and temperature changes are correlated."

  1. From two of the comments

    "About 1,000 years ago, when CO2 levels were much lower than they are today ...Roots of plants and deep Viking graves found in South Greenland in soil that is now tjaele (permafrost or permanently frozen ground) indicate that the annual mean temperature must have been 2-4°C warmer than now.”


"Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier is melting and retreating, exposing the trunks of ancient trees. Carbon dating has revealed that some of the trees were growing 1,000 years ago, and some about 2,000 years ago. In other words, the Medieval Warm Period and the Roman Warm Period were both warmer than our Modern Warm Period, and were warm long enough for forests to flourish where the Little Ice Age created a giant glacier."