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Sunday, January 3, 2021

The 2020 Climate Change Buffoon of the Year ... is Bill Gates !

You should be happy to know that virtually everyone reading this blog knows more about climate science than Bill Gates
. On that subject, he is a buffoon. A buffoon with a lot of money. He should be smart enough to know better. He should be smart enough to realize our climate is wonderful, and mild warming would be even better. But Gates is not smart at all on the subject of climate science.
We don't know where all of the Gates money is going concerning climate change. But we do know some of that money is funding a project so bizarre, and potentially dangerous, that I didn't believe it at first. 
2020 was a tough year to pick a climate change buffoon because COVID and the November 3 election got so much attention. Previous buffoons include Greta "thundering" Thunberg (last year). 
Bill Gates is quietly funding a Harvard University plan to pollute the atmosphere to block some incoming solar energy. Just what we need -- more air pollution ! 
What could possibly go wrong ?
A similar opinion on the subject:
Even stranger -- the Harvard work is being supported by Sweden, a nation that benefits from global warming, and certainly does not need less sunlight.
To sound scientific, this risky research is called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx)  !