"President Biden Wants to have 550,000 Car Charging Stations around the country by the year 2030.
I can’t figure out if that is 550 thousand individual chargers or charging stations.
But I have some questions.
1). Where is the electricity coming from?
Since we can not store solar or wind efficiently, what happens if you are cruising along in your electric vehicle and you need to get charged up, but there is not enough charging capacity available.
... And what if the source region for the electricity is cloudy or there is no wind ...
... 2) If you are charging your car overnight, isn’t that going to use a lot of electricity?
Think about it, if everyone has a car that needs to be charged, where is all the electricity going to come from?
... 3) It seems like a takes an awfully long time to charge a car up, certainly much longer than filling it up at a gas station.
... the symbol of America (is) the car.
That most people can get in their car and drive when they want to, and where they want to, is something that this nation certainly is a leader in the world.
So when this brave new world of 550k charging stations is brought up, someone should at least speak up and find out how this is all going to be done and what the real cost is going to be, not only to the time, and treasure, but to the very freedoms."