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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Over 1,200 studies of the Medieval Warm Period -- it was a period of global warming, not local warming, as the climate alarmists claim

The climate alarmists would have us believe the global average temperature barely changed for over 1,000 years. 


That's rewriting history.


Their beloved IPCC used the chart shown below back in 1990. 


Then the IPCC used the Mann "hockey stick" chart. 


Then they abandoned the hockey stick chart, when science fraud was discovered. 


Then the IPCC claimed the hockey stick chart was right all along -- the Medieval Warm Period, shown in the 1990 IPCC chart below, was really just local weather, not a global climate trend. 


But over 1,200 scientific studies listed at the link below, with good global coverage, say Earth's climate was NOT steady for 1,000 years before the 20th century. 


But never mind over 1,200 studies -- they doesn't fit the climate alarmist narrative -- so just move on.


Alarmists now claim the Medieval Warm Period was just a local climate, not global. 


That lie ignores the actual locations of climate reconstructions, with different conclusions, shown on the map below. 


Climate reconstructions are real science, attempting to estimate the past climate.  


Wild guesses of the future climate -- favored by climate alarmists -- are not real science -- they are climate astrology. 



Source of map above, with full list of studies: