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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thank you for over 4,000 page views in January 2021

Over 4,000 page views is a new record for one month for this free, no-ads, Honest Global Warming Chart blog.


This is one of the few places you can visit where today's wonderful climate, including the extra CO2 in the air 'greening our planet', is celebrated, rather than cursed !


No always wrong, wild guess predictions of a coming climate crisis here ... like the ones we've been hearing since the 1960s (not so loud back then).


The actual global warming since the 1970s 
is real.  
But it has been good news -- mainly warming in the cold northern half of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in the six coldest months of the year, and mainly at night. 
Warmer winter nights in Siberia and Alaska are the biggest changes from global warming -- certainly not a crisis. 
Those pesky details about global warming are never mentioned by the mainstream media.


They use a single global average temperature that conceals the actual locations, and timing, with the most warming since the 1970s.


NO ONE lives in an average temperature.


Global warming has caused no problems in the past.


The future climate is impossible to predict.


But if there are any problems caused by climate change in the future, they will be from changes of local climates where lots of people live.   


Claiming man made CO2 levels control the climate, and the future climate can be predicted merely by estimating future CO2 levels, is junk science. 

The climate of our planet has been warming and cooling for 4.5 billion years, with no man made CO2 emissions at all. 

The 20th century claim that natural causes of climate change, after 4.5 billion years, suddenly no longer matter, is junk science.

The 20th century claim that the global average temperature and CO2 level in about 1750 (AKA "pre-industrial" ) -- the year is never specifically defined -- was ideal, and any changes from then are a crisis, is a ridiculous claim.

The 'ideal' global average temperature and CO2 levels in 1750 are not even known from real time measurements.


The climate in 1750 is just a very rough estimate from climate proxies, such as ice cores from Antarctica.


Anecdotes from people living from 1650 to 1750 clearly reveal most people at the time thought their climate was too cold -- they would have LOVED today's more moderate climate.


In summary, the "climate emergency" is a lie, promoted by people who want to create fear.


Fearful people are easier to control.


Politicians use fear as an excuse to ramp up their power.


With the climate crisis boogeyman, politicians and bureaucrats seize the power to control your energy use, and any products you might buy that use gasoline.


Taxpayer-funded subsidies, tax credits and mandates keep the alternative energy industry alive, allowing company owners to make money without fair competition.


Climate alarmists want us to spend a HUGE amount of money to replace a reliable electric grid, fueled mainly by fossil fuels, ... with an unreliable electric grid fueled mainly by the wind and sun -- two intermittent low density sources of energy.


Degrading the electric grid is anti-science.


Meanwhile, the so-called environmentalists ignore real air pollution over many Asian cities.


The so-called environmentalists want to spend trillions of dollars on themselves, for less reliable electric grids, while one billion people on our planet have no electricity at all !  

How selfish could they be?