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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The past ten years of the climate change movement -- a mid-week climate rap

My view of the past 10 years of the climate change "movement", presented as simply as possible:

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

Ten years left to prevent a climate change crisis!

The (always) coming (but never arrives) climate crisis is 99% politics, and 1% science.

The coming climate crisis is a fictional boogeyman used to scare people, which makes them easier to control.

Earth has had over 300 years of intermittent global warming --  since the 1690s -- and that warming was good news ... unless you consider warmer winter nights in Siberia and Alaska to be bad news.

Our planet's climate has improved to the best it has been, for humans, animals and plants, in hundreds of years.

Yet some people ALWAYS see bad news in the future.


We are told the only way to prevent that (always) coming (but never arrives) climate crisis, is to elect leftists to all political offices, and give them a lot more power to micro-manage our lives.

Of course leftists have wanted that political power for over a century -- long before they invented the "coming climate crisis" boogeyman. 


Their false claim of saving the planet from a climate crisis, "for our children", is a strategy to support their lust for political power.


"Climate change" is MAINLY politics (always wrong wild guesses of the FUTURE climate, which allegedly can only get worse, never better), with a little science on the side (studies of PAST climate change.).