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Monday, January 4, 2021

The politics of claiming a climate crisis is coming



" ... when it comes to climate ... We have a group of good intentioned concerned scientists. 


... They tend to lean left, but they believe what they are doing is for the social good. 


But their intentions are hijacked completely by a group of zealots who are pivoting from COVID into Climate, as a means to change the foundational values that have made this nation the envy of the world. 


... This group believes we stole from the rest of the world, hence our success. ... (and) success would mean destruction of the planet. 


... So be it Covid,Climate,Weather, etc its all out of the same play book, the relative truth of men who think they know better and want individuals to submit ...


Its up to you to look at everything and come to your own conclusion. But a lot depends on where your focus is."