“Our aim is not
to save the world
from ecological calamity,
but to change the global
economic system …
This is probably
the most difficult task
we have ever given ourselves,
which is to intentionally transform
the economic development model,
for the first time in human history.
In simpler terms,
replace free enterprise,
entrepreneurial capitalism with
UN-controlled centralized,
One World government
and economic control."
- UN Climate Chief
Christiana Figueres
”The common enemy of humanity
is man. In searching for a new enemy
to unite us, we came up with
the idea that pollution,
the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine
and the like would fit the bill.”
- The Club of Rome
Premier environmental think-tank
and consultants to the United Nations.
“We’ve got to ride
this global warming issue.
Even if the theory
of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing
in terms of economic
and environmental policy.”
- Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
”No matter if the science
of global warming is all phony
... climate change provides
the greatest opportunity
to bring about justice
and equality in the world.”
- Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister
of the Environment
”The models are convenient fictions
that provide something very useful.”
- Dr David Frame,
climate modeler,
Oxford University
“The only way to get our society
to truly change is to frighten people
with the possibility of a catastrophe.”
- Emeritus professor
Daniel Botkin
“We are on the verge
of a global transformation.
All we need is the right
major crisis ...”
- David Rockefeller,
Club of Rome
executive member
‘The goal now is a socialist,
redistributionist society,
which is nature’s proper steward
and society’s only hope.”
- David Brower,
founder of
Friends of the Earth
“If we don’t overthrow capitalism,
we don’t have a chance of saving
the world ecologically.
I think it is possible to have
an ecologically sound society
under socialism.
I don’t think it is possible
under capitalism”
- Judi Bari,
Principal organizer
of Earth First!
“Isn’t the only hope
for the planet that
the industrialized
civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility
to bring that about?”
- Maurice Strong,
Founder of the
UN Environment Programme
“A massive campaign
must be launched
to de-develop
the United States.
De-development means
bringing our economic system
into line with the realities
of ecology and the
world resource situation.”
- Paul Ehrlich,
Professor of Population Studies
“The only hope for the world
is to make sure there is not
another United States.
We can’t let other countries
have the same number of cars,
the amount of industrialization,
we have in the US.
We have to stop these
Third World countries
right where they are.”
- Michael Oppenheimer,
Environmental Defense Fund,
Princeton Professor
“Global Sustainability requires
the deliberate quest of poverty,
reduced resource consumption
and set levels of mortality control.”
- Professor Maurice King
“We must make this
an insecure and inhospitable
place for capitalists and
their projects.
We must reclaim the roads
and plowed land,
halt dam construction,
tear down existing dams,
free shackled rivers
and return to wilderness
millions of acres
of presently settled land.”
- David Foreman,
co-founder of Earth First !
“Complex technology
of any sort is an assault
on human dignity.
It would be little short
of disastrous for us
to discover a source of clean,
cheap, abundant energy,
because of what
we might do with it.”
- Amory Lovins,
Rocky Mountain Institute
“Giving society cheap,
abundant energy would be
the equivalent of giving
an idiot child a machine gun.”
- Professor Paul Ehrlich,
Stanford University
”The future is to be [One]
World Government
with central planning
by the United Nations.
Fear of environmental crises
- whether real or not -
is expected to lead
to compliance.”
- Former Washington State
Democratic governor Dixie Lee Ray
“One has to free oneself
from the illusion that
international climate policy
is environmental policy.
It is not".
It is actually about how
“we redistribute de facto
the world’s wealth.”
- IPCC official
Ottmar Edenhofer
“It doesn’t matter
what is true,
it only matters
what people
believe is true.”
- Paul Watson,
of Greenpeace
“The only way
to get our society
to truly change
is to frighten people
with the possibility
of a catastrophe.”
- Emeritus professor Daniel Botkin
“The future is to be [One]
World Government with
central planning by the
United Nations.
Fear of environmental crises
- whether real or not -
is expected to lead
to compliance.”
- Former Washington
State Democratic governor
Dixy Lee Ray
"The Green New Deal
was not conceived
as an effort to deal with
climate change,
but instead a
-the-entire economy thing”
“The interesting thing
about the Green New Deal
is it wasn’t originally
a climate thing at all,”
-Saikat Chakrabarti,
Rep. Alexandria
chief of staff.
It doesn’t make any difference
how beautiful your guess is,
it doesn’t matter how smart
you are, or what your name is
… If [your hypothesis] disagrees
with experiment, it’s wrong.”
“A model or a hypothesis
cannot ‘prove’ anything.
But data can invalidate
a hypothesis or model.
It takes only one experiment
to prove me wrong.”
Albert Einstein
“Whenever you hear the
consensus of scientists agrees
on something or other,
reach for your wallet,
because you’re being had.
Let’s be clear:
the work of science
has nothing whatever
to do with consensus.
Consensus is the business
of politics.
In science, consensus
is irrelevant.
What is relevant is
reproducible results.
The greatest scientists in history
are great precisely because
they broke with the consensus.
(Galileo, Newton, Einstein, etc).
There is no such thing as
consensus science.
If it’s consensus, it isn’t science.
If it’s science, it isn’t consensus.
Patrick Moore, PhD,
ecologist, and co-founder
of Greenpeace
“Future generations will wonder
in bemused amazement that the
early 21st century’s developed world
went into hysterical panic ...
on the basis of gross exaggerations
of highly uncertain computer projections
... and proceeded to contemplate
a roll-back of the industrial age.”
- MIT professor
of atmospheric science
Richard Lindzen PhD,
in 2009