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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Vistra Energy's new Monterey County, California battery storage system is one of the largest of its type in the world



"Vistra Energizes Massive 1.2-GWh Battery System at California Natural Gas Plant


 Vistra Energy, the nation’s largest competitive generator, has begun operating a 300-MW/1,200-MWh lithium-ion battery storage system on its 1,020-MW combined cycle gas turbine Moss Landing power plant site in Monterey County, California. 

The battery storage system is the largest of its type in the world in terms of size and scale, and it towers over similar systems that have been installed to date. 

Brought online on Dec. 11, the 300-MW/1,200-MWh Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility Phase 1 project ... spans “the length of nearly three football fields,” 


The system comprises more than 4,500 stacked battery racks or cabinets, each containing 22 individual battery modules. Phase II, which Vistra plans to complete by August 2021, will add an additional 100 MW/400 MWh, bringing the Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility’s total capacity to 400 MW/1,600 MWh. 

... Phase I essentially acts in a peaking capacity, capturing “excess electricity from the grid, largely during high solar-output hours, and can release the power when energy demand is at its highest and solar electricity is declining, usually early morning and late afternoon,” Vistra said."