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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Weekend climate rap -- potential causes of inaccuracy of the global average temperature statistic

Remember that NO ONE actually lives in the global average temperature, and actual warming since the 1970s has been very uneven. 


Mainly in colder areas, during the colder months of the year, and mainly at night. 


Always think of warmer winter nights in Siberia as the best example of global warming since 1975. 


Not exactly a climate emergency !


Our planet has had significant warming for 20,000 years, and intermittent warming since the late 1600s. 


And that warming has been great news.


Here in Michigan we love warming and most of us want more. 


Ski bums are the main exceptions. 


The claim that continued warming will be a crisis is a claim we have been hearing, getting louder and more hysterical, since the 1960s.


That claim is a fantasy.


My ever growing list of potential errors in the surface global average temperature statistic:
-- Very far from global coverage before 1900

-- Insufficient global coverage before WWII

-- Excessive infilling (guessing by government bureaucrats) of missing data before WWII, and still true today

-- Excessive, repeated "adjustments" made years, and sometimes decades, after the measurements

-- Too many weather stations located in or near cities, which only cover 1% to 2% of the planet these days

-- Inaccurate bucket and thermometer ocean measurements in the old days

-- Too few ocean measurements in the Southern Hemisphere before WWII

-- Too many ocean measurements in common shipping channels

-- No comparison of all the different ocean measurement methodologies, used in the same place, at the same time, to determine how the changing methodologies affected the numbers over a century

-- Economic growth in the vicinity of weather stations is likely to cause warming unrelated to CO2 -- Urban Heat Island "adjustments" are ridiculously tiny, or not used at all

-- Changing equipment in land weather stations, from mercury thermometers in large boxes, then smaller boxes, then automated equipment


-- Changing locations of land weather stations, such as from weather station located within cities, to airports in the suburbs

-- Government bureaucrats compiling global average temperature statistics whose job security increases if the illusion of a climate crisis is kept alive

-- Claimed global average temperature margins of error of about +/- 0.1 degree C., not justified by the measurement equipment used, and all the missing data being "infilled", which is a guess that can never be verified

-- Smarmy climate alarmists who back up their cars to land weather stations located near the pavement, and aim their hot exhaust fumes at the thermometer for one hour each day (I made that one up for a laugh, but it could be true).

Most important: 
Ignoring the good news from actual global warming for the past 300 years, and then claiming that continued warming must be very bad news.