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Thursday, February 25, 2021

"Follow the carbon molecule"


Can someone explain to us why it’s OK for the EU to buy natural gas from Russia, but not to produce its own, and at the same time it’s OK for Australia to sell coal to China, but not to burn its own?

... we’d love to hear an answer.

... The issue of Russian natural gas to the EU is a friction point between Europe and the United States.

... The pipeline is opposed by a variety of nations including Ukraine, Poland and France, as well as a bipartisan Congressional majority because they do not want Europe dependent on Russian natural gas.

And there is no doubt Putin is willing to use energy supplies as a geopolitical weapon.

... Europe is dependent on imported gas less from Putin’s cunning than from their own folly.

The EU doesn’t produce enough of its own methane because of twin panics over fracking and climate change.

But it requires fossil fuels to eat, stay warm

Unless they opt for nuclear, which Germany and France are both rejecting due to a third rather unfocused panic over radiation or nuclear war or some other ugh factor.

Over in Asia, the trade in coal between Australia and China has curdled for geopolitical reasons.

... the Chinese government imposed an embargo on Australian coal only to discover that they had been importing it for a reason, namely their huge and growing dependence on the stuff for energy."