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Saturday, February 27, 2021

"Is the Texas Cold Wave Caused By Global Warming?"


"A number of major media outlets are making the claim that such cold is a "sign" or "indication" of global warming.

... Such claims are demonstrably untrue and can be easily proven to be untrue.

The facts are clear: 

     Global warming has been occurring and has preferentially warmed the Arctic, the source of cold air for North America.

    The number of cold waves and cold temperature records have declined as the Earth has warmed.

    Cold waves are the expressions of the natural variability of the atmosphere.

If global warming caused more cold waves, then we should be seeing more of them, since global warming is occurring.   

We are not seeing more or stronger cold waves.  

There are LESS cold waves.

Let's turn to Texas.  

... The monthly minima are getting higher as the planet warms.  

Less cold waves.
... The lowest temperatures are rising as global warming occurs.

Rising minimum temperatures and DECREASED cold waves are the expected sign of global warming.  

This is particularly true of the central and eastern U.S.


Because the source of the cold air in U.S. cold waves is the Arctic and the Arctic is warming more quickly as greenhouse gases warm the planet.  

... The Arctic is warming more quickly than any other place ...

... The cold air that plummets into the central North America comes from the Canadian Arctic ...

So a warming Arctic naturally leads to lesser cold waves.

Some individuals claiming that global warming causes more cold waves suggest that the cold waves are enhanced by a "lazy" jet stream, weakened by global warming.  

But careful studies in the peer reviewed literature have debunked this idea.

What is most disturbing to me is that so many media outlets are headlining a claim that is so obviously wrong."