In the past 45 years of global warming, no one has died from the slightly warmer climate.
In the next 45 years of global warming, no one will die from the expected mild warming.
In fact, unusually cold weather kills approximately 20 times more people than unusually warm weather.
So the reduction of unusually cold winter weather, from mild global warming, REDUCES climate related deaths.
Along with better medical care.
So, in reality, mild global warming is healthy for people (and animals who live outdoors).
And more CO2 in the atmosphere is healthy for plants, making them grow faster, and larger, while needing less fresh water too.
Mark Carney is a climate change buffoon.
The official 2021 Climate Buffoon of the Year award, the highest honor at this Honest Global Warming Chart Blog, will be awarded in late 2021.
Prior winners were Barack Obama (2018), Greta "thundering" Thunberg (2019) and Bill Gates (2020).
They are three climate scaremongers, who proved they knew nothing about climate science, despite living with global warming for most of their lives!