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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!"


"Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.

... this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. 

Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening."

Zoe Phin ... downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. 

NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin:

... In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades.

Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”

... not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. 

This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers.

Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.

... Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic (man made) CO2 emissions by 2100."