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Thursday, February 11, 2021

"Rising CO2 causes data tampering"


"An important new graph links temperature changes in the 20th century strongly to atmospheric CO2.

... it’s not man-made changes in temperature, it’s man-made changes in temperature data.

Specifically the ones NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) makes to the raw readings, cooling the past and warming the present so it seems to prove there’s CO2-driven warming despite what the thermometer said.

... Atmospheric scientist Wei Zhang did a “regression analysis” of atmospheric CO2 and NASA’s fiddles and found a fit of 0.82.

On a scale where 0 means the adjustments had nothing to do with artificially matching temperature to CO2 and 1 means someone put the data on the rack and stretched it until it shrieked “carbon dioxide did it”.

As Zhang says, “The probability that this happens by chance is shockingly close to zero.”

The point of regression analysis is to separate signal from noise, and his analysis found a clear signal: The lower atmospheric CO2 is in a given year, the more GISS “adjusts” the temperature downward, and the higher the CO2, the higher the adjustment upward.

It’s very difficult for this sort of thing to happen by accident.

... It would be very unlikely for such a result to result from carelessness ...

... if this is not deliberate data-tampering it certainly looks like zealotry overwhelming judgement and honour.

... if there’s one point on which all alarmists are united it’s that “the science” or “the facts” or “the data” or some such trump card show steady warming driven by CO2 or, as they now like to call it, “climate pollution”.

NASA for instance dismisses the role of Milankovitch
(planetary orbit changes) cycles in the recent past, saying “they cannot account for the current period of rapid warming Earth has experienced since the pre-Industrial period (the period between 1850 and 1900), and particularly since the mid-20th Century.

... Gavin Schmidt’s models certainly say so over the 20th century.

Or at least he says they say so, by the statistically unusual technique of dismissing their failure to fit before 1970 as “noise”.

But what if it’s not true?

What if CO2 and temperature don’t correlate and, indeed, the models over predict warming precisely because they’re told CO2 causes it?

And what if, when the facts don’t fit the prediction, the modelers change the data instead of the models?

... Zhang’s chart is far more serious because it appears to show that the whole American warming trend from 1885, nearly a century and a half now, the one NASA uses to shove aside Milankovitch cycles, is an artifact of ... zealots in government.

... it would be very interesting to know what GISS thinks of this startling discovery that almost the entire correlation between increasing atmospheric CO2 and U.S. land surface temperatures is man-made.

... If ... something is wrong with his analysis, GISS ... should be able to show what it is."