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Sunday, February 21, 2021

The big picture: US electric power sources in 2019 versus Texas sources of electricity in 2020

According to the US Energy 
Information Agency (EIA), 
in 2019:
coal and natural gas 
generated 61% 
of US electricity, 

nuclear 20%, 

wind 7.3%, 

hydro 6.6%, 

solar 1.8%, 

biomass 1.4%, and 

petroleum 1%. 

The grid operator 
for 90% of Texas is ERCOT. 

In 2020 its generation by fuel was:

Gas-Combined Cycle 40%, 

Wind 23%, 

Coal 18%, 

Nuclear 11%, 

Gas 6%, 

Solar 2%. 

The months for greatest generation was July and August, and the greatest wind generation was December.