The optimum CO2 level inside greenhouses is in the 800ppm to 1,200 ppm range, compared with about 415 ppm outdoors.
There are thousands of scientific experiments, under controlled conditions, showing that 800ppm or more CO2 almost always benefits C3 photosynthesis plants.
And more CO2 usually increases plant water efficiency too.
There are far fewer experiments with C4 and CAM photosynthesis plants, but those benefit too.
Most plants that humans and animals eat are C3 plants.
Higher levels of CO2 will optimize plant growth on our planet.
Optimum plant growth will support the most life on our planet.
Therefore, people who want to reduce CO2 levels, or prevent the CO2 level from doubling, are anti-life.
Even if CO2 caused ALL the warming since the 1970s, which is only an unproven assumption, that warming has been beneficial.
More warming would be even better.
The actual warming since the 1970s. measured with satellites, has most affected the colder northern half of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly during the colder six months of the year, and mainly at night.
Ideal locations, and timing, to BENEFIT from warming.
Leftists bellowing "climate emergency" are hysterical anti-science zealots.
We have all lived with global warming for the past 45 years -- if it was harming anyone (it is not) we would have noticed problems decades ago.
Earth's climate is the best it has been since the colder 1600s -- the Little Ice Age.
Try to enjoy it.
We are lucky to be living in a warming trend during an interglacial period
I love CO2, and global warming.
People who think CO2 is "the devil in the sky" have been brainwashed.