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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Scotland: "Drought Getting Worse ... As It Gets Wetter ?

"The BBC’s obsession with climate change gets worse every day!

... for BBC Scotland’s Disclosure

" ... We commissioned a survey of 1,009 Scots, conducted by Savanta ComRes, which suggests price is putting many people off making greener lifestyle choices.

The poll finds that 71% won’t buy an electric car because of cost, with 64% saying the same about low carbon heating.

Other concerns about fitness for purpose feature highly.

I suspect also that many responders don’t even have a clue how much extra electrification costs, which put the figures even higher.

... behind all of this is the fact that most people realise that whatever personal decisions they make will have zip all effect on the climate."

The idea that droughts are increasing in Scotland is absolutely absurd.

Indeed the opposite is true, it is getting wetter.

Neither is it getting drier in spring or summer, when fires are most likely to occur

The BBC article uses the Flow Country wildfire in May 2019 as an example.

The Flow Country lies in the north of Scotland, but that spring was not an unusually dry one there.

In fact it was wetter than normal, the 28th wettest since 1862, according to the Met Office.

Whatever the cause of it, it was not drought."

One comment after the article said:
    "BBC Scotland, in its trailer for its Disclosure programme interviewed a couple whose well had run dry “because of droughts due to climate change” and they were having to bore a deeper well.

Nobody considered any other reasons for a lower water table; possibilities like neighbours using more water in lockdown, a landowner extracting more water for cattle, etc.

There is certainly NO shortage of water in Scotland."

Another comment said:
"In many places the decrepit infrastructure, overbearing bureaucracy and poor or inappropriate land management is to blame for inadequate water retention.

Having had dealings with both Scottish Water and SEPA it would seem that some of their representatives wear their incompetence as a badge of honour.

It could rain steadily for 5 years (sometimes it seems like it does) and Noah could park his Ark on the banks of Loch Lomond and the officials would still be wittering about drought, record warming, our models say, blah, blah, blah."