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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Former Obama Undersecretary of Energy Refutes "Climate Emergency" Claims -- mainstream media ignores him

"Barack Obama’s undersecretary of energy for science has shattered the popular global warming narrative.

If he had worked in the Trump administration, he’d be labeled a “denier” and hounded like a suspected witch in 17th century Massachusetts.

But because he was an Obama appointee, the press simply ignores him.

Steve Koonin, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology- and CalTech-educated physicist, said last week that “discussions of existential threat, climate crisis, climate disaster are really at odds with what the official science says in reports that are issued by the U.N. and the U.S. government.”

Shouldn’t the press have picked up on this?

Koonin, in an interview on Fox Business with Larry Kudlow, busted the tale that humans are wrecking the planet and endangering themselves through their fossil-fuel burning habits.

“This is not Steve talking, this is what’s in those reports, often explicitly but sometimes a little but obscured, and you’ve got to read closely to find it.”

Koonin said there has been a single degree of warming over the last century, caused partly by man, partly by nature. 

He sees nothing menacing about it.

He also admitted that science has a “very poor understanding” of natural long-term climate cycles, something the global warming alarmists are unwilling to acknowledge.

He also said: "Human influences on the climate are “physically small … about 1%.”
“If you read the official reports put out by the U.N. and the U.S. government, they say that a warming of three or more degrees, let’s say four degrees, by the end of this century will have a minimal impact on either the U.S. or the global economy.”

“I think anybody who’s talking about existential threat, climate crisis, disaster, probably hasn’t read the reports.”

Researchers “need to keep improving the science. 

We need to understand the climate system better, what it’s doing and what it might do.”

Contrast his remarks to comments from Democrats and the media ...

    “Summers could last half the year by the end of this century.”

    Climate change is “the existential threat of our time.”

    If nations don’t address climate change, they are “marching forward to what is almost tantamount to a mutual suicide pact.”

    “Climate change is a crisis.”

    “My goal is to marshal our entire government, engage every community, harness the forces of science and the values of environmental justice.”

… and judge who is tethered to reality and who is married to junk science.

It’s no small thing for a learned and highly credentialed physicist, particularly one who served the president who said “no challenge poses a greater threat to our future and future generations than a changing climate,” to beat back a political plot line.

Yet the media have chosen to pretend Koonin never spoke and will continue to sow fear."