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Monday, March 29, 2021

Off Topic Science: World Health Organization admits COVID PCR test results are worthless


"The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. 


But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin.


If the test is conducted at a 35 Ct threshold or above (which was recommended by the WHO), segments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be detected, which means that ALL the so-called confirmed “positive cases” tabulated in the course of the last 14 months are invalid."

My previous article on the subject, published March 26, is here:
Ordinary Influenza is either disappearing in March 2021, versus March 2020, or else most influenza cases are being counted as COVID-19 cases.  With the inaccurate PCR testing for COVID-19, my best guess is COVID-19 cases are being grossly over grossly under counted: