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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Ten variables that cause climate change

Global Warming, now called Climate Change, is a divisive political issue, often science-free.

It has been hijacked by politicians, environmental pressure groups, and other leftists.

Earth's climate is always changing.

‘Climate’ is defined as average weather over a 30-year or longer period.

The difference between the annual average temperature, and its 30-year average, is the the temperature anomaly.

Temperature measurements are not evenly distributed over the globe, especially over the oceans, and at high latitudes.

Questionable schemes are used to extrapolate ( aka "infill" ) sparse data to approximate global coverage.

Filling in data is making up data.

The following variables are likely to influence Earth's climate:

1)    Earth's orbital and       
        orientation variations
2)    Changes in ocean circulation
              Including ENSO and others 
3)    Solar activity and irradiance,
including clouds, volcanic and man made aerosols, plus possible effects of cosmic rays and extraterrestrial dust

4)    Greenhouse gas emissions

5)    Land use changes
          (cities growing, logging, crop irrigation, etc.) 

6)    Regional differences  

7)    Unknown causes of variations of a
        complex, non-linear system

8)   Unpredictable natural and 
        man made catastrophes
9)  Climate measurement errors
               (unintentional or deliberate)

10)  Interactions and feedbacks,
      involving two or more variables.