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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Thank you for 117,000 page views, including a new daily record of 1,805 page views yesterday

I've never advertised this blog, so the rapidly expanding number of page views must mean readers have recommended this blog to friends. Probably including some leftist friends too. 

Those leftists would not last one minute here -- I'd love to have pictures of them reading the blog with steam coming out of their ears. Leftists reject all information that disagrees with their beloved leftist government bureaucrat scientists and their IPCC "bible". 


Their behavior is called confirmation bias. Although I prefer the more scientific phrase: Trained parrots of climate alarmism. Or mind numbed robots. I'm not exaggerating -- these people think open borders are good for the United States!

Please avoid your own confirmation bias by reading some 'coming climate change crisis' predictions too, at least once in a while. It's good to laugh.

But never forget that YOU have been living with global warming for some or all of the past 45 years, since the mid-1970s. All 45 years for me. 

If global warming was really a "crisis", why do many people enjoy it? The winters here in southeastern Michigan are not as cold as they were in the 1970s. That's all I have noticed -- living in the same home since 1987, it's easy to notice the climate changing. 


This blog is for open minded people who enjoy the science articles I present here, in an edited easy to read format. 

Smart people who don't want to read another mainstream media article about ...

a coming climate crisis, 

"carbon pollution" 

       and various other 

climate change fairy tales!

The always wrong coming climate crisis predictions have been heard since scientist Roger Revelle started them in 1957. 


Following them is like watching a scary movie 64 years in a row.


We did have mild global warming after 1975 ... although it stopped from 2003 to mid-2015, before continuing. 

We had the mild global warming that CO2 lab infrared spectroscopy experiments suggested would happen in the troposphere.  That does not prove CO2 was the cause of the warming, but could be evidence that CO2 is one cause of the warming. 


Natural causes of climate change have existed for 4.5 billion years. There is no proof they suddenly disappeared after 1975. Nor did the UN's IPCC have any justification for calling natural causes of climate change "noise" in 1995.

Leftists wanted a climate crisis, not harmless global warming. So they invented a new water vapor positive feedback theory in the 1970s, with no evidence that it exists, or has ever existed.  


That positive feedback theory instantly multiplied the expected mild warming assumed from the CO2 lab experiments by three! 

Satellite temperature measurements, made in the troposphere since 1979, where the greenhouse effect that heats Earth's surface occurs, reflect mild warming.

Somewhat less warming than surface thermometers measure, but in the same ballpark. Since 1979, there has been no fast global warming, based on both satellite and surface measurements, because the positive feedback does not exist. 

If a positive feedback from CO2 really existed, it would have caused runaway global warming millions of years ago, when atmospheric CO2 levels peaked at five to ten times higher than today, according to geologists. And runaway global warming would have ended almost all life on our planet. But that never happened, because  the positive feedback does not exist.

What happened to all that CO2 that used to be in the atmosphere? It is now sequestered underground, as carbon in oil, natural gas and coal, and in rocks. So when oil, gas or coal are burned, CO2 is being recycled into the atmosphere, back to its original home. That "carbon recycling" drives economic growth, prosperity, and the reduction of poverty, on our planet. Tell that to a leftist, and they will go berserk!

Today leftists only debate among themselves about how much government power is needed, and how many trillions of taxpayer dollars should be spent, to "fight" a climate crisis ... that exists ONLY in their overactive imaginations. 

Disagree with leftists, or ask questions, and you are character attacked as a "climate denier", which immediately shuts off debate. Leftists do not debate their beliefs on any subject. 

Using a fake crisis, leftists seize a lot of political power and spend a lot of money -- and we get the bill. Not a good deal for us, and that's why I share my science reading with others reading this blog. 

No pay for me. No ads for you. No fame. No book deals. And most disappointing, no groupies. You do get 'punished' with my lame jokes, once in a while.

I was reading science and energy articles from 1997 to 2014 before I started this blog. For the first few years it was just for readers of my Financial newsletter, which I edited from 1977 to 2020. The blog was for updates to a 2014 article on climate change I wrote in my newsletter: ECONOMIC LOGIC. I guess they told other people to check out the articles here.


This blog is a public service dedicated to real science, which does NOT include always wrong wild guesses of a coming climate crisis. That's climate astrology (aka "junk science"), the favorite of the mainstream media.


Every one of us has experience living with the mild global warming since the 1970s. In fact, warmer winter nights in the colder, higher latitudes -- the places with the most warming -- such as warmer winter nights in Siberia, represent global warming a lot more than polar bears do.

Add the greening of our planet from more CO2 in the atmosphere, and that's even more GOOD news. 

There is no climate crisis. 

Not even a climate problem.

That's reality, not an always wrong wild guess computer game prediction.

Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan 
BS, 1975
MBA, 1977
TBW (Trained By Wife
Our official honest global warming chart:

 Our official climate blog mascots:




Pesky Michigan deer viewed through our windows:

 Our living room climate observatory:

Our "observatory" is filled with toys:

The  blog's official climate model: