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Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday morning climate rap -- every climate prediction has been wrong, for 64 years in a row

The scientific "consensus" is reflected by the average climate model.

Those computer games predict more than double the global warming that actually happens. ( see first chart below )

Therefore, we know with very high confidence that the science of climate change is NOT settled.

In addition, actual global warming since the 1970s has been mild, and beneficial in three ways:

(1) Greening the planet ( see second chart below)

(2) Actual global warming has most affected cold, high latitude areas in the Northern Hemisphere, and
( see third chart below )

(3) Actual global warming was mainly at night, and mainly during the coldest six months of the year. ( such as warmer winter nights in Siberia )

The current warming trend began in the late 1600s.

As a result, Earth's climate is currently the best it has been for humans, animals and plants, since the late 1600s -- over 300 years ago.

Only a fool would want to stop the mild, beneficial warming.

The few people living in Siberia don't want warming to stop.

Those of us living in Michigan don't want the mild warming to end.

As Earth's climate gets better, with every decade that passes, we intelligent people are not being allowed to enjoy it.

Because we are verbally attacked by low IQ, hysterical Climate Nazis.

These Climate Nazis have been predicting a coming climate crisis every year for the past 64 years, starting quietly, and with uncertainty, at first.

Climate Nazis must be disappointed that the climate has improved since the 1950s, because they have become very loud, hysterical, and 100% certain that climate crisis is coming

And they act as dictators -- claiming we must do everything they say, without question, whether they are right or wrong.

They call that the "precautionary principle".

I call it the climate change dictatorship principle, because the believers are clearly acting as Climate Nazis.

They will never stop predicting a climate crisis, and telling people how to live. 

If not for this fake coming climate crisis, leftists would be using some other claimed crisis to control people.

Either a real crisis, or another imaginary crisis.

A devious leftist politician does not let a crisis 'go to waste" -- it is an opportunity to increase government power over the private sector.

Leftists are perpetually unhappy people who want to control others, and change their preferred lifestyles.

Using the FAKE claim that they are trying to save the planet.

Power hungry leftists are MUCH more interested in silencing questions, and censoring real climate science, than making accurate climate predictions.

Because making accurate climate predictions is one thing they've NEVER been able to do.

But the Climate Nazis are "experts' at bellowing the most-anti-science phrase in the universe: "THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED", and then character attacking EVERYONE who disagrees.

Character attacks are the primary leftist "debate" strategy, followed by the Appeal to Authority logical fallacy.

Appeal to Authority means anything claimed in a pal reviewed, published "study", by a leftist government bureaucrat  "scientist", that supports the Climate Nazi narrative, automatically becomes a proven fact.

Even a "study" that promotes yet another always wrong wild guess of the future climate.

Climate Nazi visions of the future are always bad news.

In the Climate Nazi dream (nightmare) world, the future climate is always going to get worse -- never better.

Life must be depressing if you are a Climate Nazi.