Weather versus Climate Change:
I enjoy articles on unusually cold weather (after about 45 years of "global warming")
The next article is from that website.
But I wish they did not end every article with their prediction of a cooling climate.
I use many of their articles here.
But I always delete that prediction.
As an editor, I want to publish facts, not predictions, because long term climate predictions have been so wrong in the past, that it's impossible to take them seriously.
My long term climate prediction from 1997, when I started reading climate science, is the ONLY one that has stood the test of time: "It will get warmer unless it gets cooler."
It took me just one hour of studying this subject to distrust 100 year climate predictions.
And I decided, after my first day of reading, that the so-called experts didn't even know if the planet would be warmer, or cooler, in 100 years.
Since then, I've added another assumption, that may seem like a prediction:
If there is global warming for the next 45 years, it's likely to resemble the mild and harmless global warming in the past 45 years.
Since I love global warming, here in Michigan, I want more of it.
The lowest risk climate "forecast" is to assume the recent past climate will continue.
I call that the dull hypothesis.