The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was formed in 1988 to blame climate change on humans.
The underlying goal was to give the United Nations new powers as a world government of climate change and energy use.
UN members decided they wanted the new powers themselves.
The IPCC mission was made very clear in 1995 when they declared all natural causes of climate change were "noise".
They provided no logical explanation for declaring that 4.5 billion years of natural climate change had "died", at some time during the 20th century (perhaps 1975?), and greenhouse gasses were "made the boss".
That's when I knew the always wrong coming climate crisis predictions, that I trace back to Roger Revelle in 1957, was science-free scaremongering, to create fear, for political purposes.
64 consecutive years of always wrong predictions of a coming climate crisis.
About 40 years of climate computer games predicting more than double the warming that actually happens (based on the average computer game projection, representing the government bureaucrat climate science consensus, which is obviously wrong).
No improvement in climate computer game accuracy in about 40 years, proving that accurate projections are NOT a goal.
No emphasis on the only climate model whose projections are not far above observations -- the Russian INM model.
The Russian model is simply blended in with all the other less accurate models.
Can you imagine meteorologists with dozens of weather forecasting models, ignoring the one model that makes the best forecasts, preferring to use an average of all the weather forecasting models, to make inaccurate forecasts?
And then we've have re-writing of global average temperature history.
In 1974, officials reported -0.5 to -0.6 degree C. of global cooling from 1940 to 1970.
Now the numbers are only from zero to -0.1 degrees cooling, with slightly different years.
That was obvious science fraud.
Done because falling temperatures, with rising CO2 levels, were inconvenient data -- didn't fit the CO2 is the climate control knob narrative -- so the global cooling was gradually "adjusted away".
Government bureaucrat climate science is much closer to junk science than real science.
There is a political agenda supported by always wrong, scary predictions of the future climate, made with excessive confidence, and no uncertainty.
And while we hear those always wrong predictions of coming climate doom every year, we have about seven billion witnesses who lived with up to 45 years of ACTUAL global warming since the mid-1970s.
And those 45 years had mild, beneficial warming, with CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere that greened our planet.
The greatest warming has been in colder areas of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly during the colder months of the year, and mainly at night.
Think of warmer winter nights in Siberia as the "poster child" of global warming since the mid-1970s.
How is that a climate emergency?
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