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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Saturday morning climate rap: The coming climate crisis is 99% politics and 1% science. And it always was.

Please consider the idea that green new ordeal style "visions" and goals were INTENDED to fail.

And that "failure" will soon be noticed.

In response, leftist governments will claim falling behind schedule can only be fixed with "more government".

Combine the 64 years (since Roger Revelle in 1957) of wrong predictions of a coming climate crisis ... with green visions, that anyone with engineering or science training knows are not close to being feasible, and here is what you get:

-- You get an imaginary coming climate crisis, used to justify increased government power, increased government spending, and increased government control over the private sector.

These are things that leftists have wanted for the past 100 years.

Creating fear of a coming climate crisis, that must be stopped 'to save the planet for the children', is a leftist strategy to get the political power they have always wanted. 

If you don't buy into that climate hoax, it is  for a simple reason: high intelligence, and low gullibility.

There is no real science to support a coming climate crisis prediction.

And there never was any. 

I've been following the subject since 1997 -- climate science has regressed, rather than progressed. 

There is some lab science that suggests, but does not prove, more CO2 in the atmosphere ought to cause mild, harmless global warming. 

That lab science dates back to the late 1800s.

And we HAVE had mild, harmless warming for the past 45 years, although each year included wrong predictions of rapid, dangerous global warming, that never showed up.

We have leftist climate treaties and accords, but the CO2 level in the atmosphere keeps growing at the same rate.

We hear leftist CO2 emissions reductions visions, goals and virtue signalling, but the use of fossil fuels barely changes.

The coming climate crisis prediction is 99% politics and 1% science.

And it always was.