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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The wildfire acres burned non-correlation with global warming & data accuracy problems

US acres burned have no known statistical or logical correlation to slight increases of the global average temperature.

Globally, the Active Fire Index has had a downward linear trend line slope since 2000 (NASA Earth Observatory measurements by satellite):



The primary cause of the huge spike of US acres burned in the 1930s was due to prescribed fires in the southeastern fire district, not ordinarily known for forest fires. 

When not busy planting trees, the Civilian Conservation Corp set prescribed fires to burn underbrush and create fire breaks. Those southeastern states were not so dry as to make prescribed fires dangerous.

The rest of the United States did NOT have that HUGE spike of acres burned in the 1930s, but overall, it was still a bad decade for acres burned, because of the heat and lack of humidity.

Amount of forest management

Increasing number of people living near forests, with electricity transmission lines going to their homes and businesses,

Improving ability to contain fires with modern aircraft dropping chemicals.

Improving ability to measure acres burned using satellites, since the 1970s

Roughly 90% of forest fires are blamed on humans (including fallen transmission lines), so how could a slight temperature increase have any effect on accidental or deliberately set fires?  

Would a few tenths of a degree warmer suddenly cause people to head toward the forests and start fires?

As the population of a nation grows, there are expected be more accidental and intentional fires.

Any bad news eventually gets connected with "climate change" by the climate change religion zealots. 

Sometimes they have to truncate or "adjust" the data to create the desired narrative. 

Lying and deceptions don't matter when you are desperately trying to save the planet ... for the children !

The climate of our planet is ALWAYS changing, so I guess you could blame anything on climate change.  

So why not blame forest fires on climate change?