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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday morning climate rap -- let's save the planet from climate alarmists !

I'd like to see climate alarmists become extinct. 

They consist mainly of gullible leftist fools, completely detached from climate reality.

Their "leaders" don't care about the environment, or else they would be attacking air pollution over Asian cities (they ignore it) and supporting clean, safe nuclear power (only a few do).

Virtually every statement they make about the climate is a lie, an exaggeration, a deception, or just always wrong wild guess speculation about an imaginary future climate crisis.

A climate crisis that has been coming for the past 64 years, nut never shows up!

Their wild guess climate speculation began in the late 1950's, quietly and with uncertainty.


It ramped up with the IPCC in 1998, and became hysterical a few years ago. 

The leaders of the climate scare want a general population in fear of the future, because people in fear are easier to control with the powerful socialist governments they have wanted for the past 100 years.

Over seven billion people are witnesses to global warming, having lived through some or all of the 45 years of warming since the mid-1970s. 

The actual warming was harmless, at worst, beneficial if you are an honest reporter. 

Our planet is greening from more CO2 in the air. 

Colder areas are not as cold as they were in the 1970s -- warmer winter nights in Siberia, for example.

And there is good news about the weather: too. For one example, US hurricanes, tornadoes, heatwaves, wildfire acres burned, maximum temperatures and climate related deaths, are all in downtrends -- some since the hot 1930s.

In fact, the current climate is the best for humans, animals and plants since the cold era of the Maunder Minimum low solar activity period in the late 1600s. 

We should be celebrating the current climate.

The fact that deluded leftists are not celebrating the current climate means that the actual climate means nothing to them.

They have goals for great political powers that are NOT based on the current wonderful climate. 

Their political goals are based on an imaginary coming climate crisis that they have been predicting since 1957.

It exists ONLY in the devious overactive imaginations of climate alarmist leftists.

Which is 100% of leftists.

Because leftists do not allow independent thought among themselves. 

They consider independent thought to be "hate speech". 

They censor, ridicule and cancel all people who disagree, which is fascism.

They think free speech about climate science is bad because it interferes with them trying to save the planet -- a planet that doesn't need saving -- except from them.