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Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday Climate Rap -- Climate Realists should avoid the bad science of confusing weather with climate

I love to publish Electroverse articles about unusually cold weather.

Not because weather events are "climate". 

But because the leftist-biased media (95%) completely ignore the stories. 

They are too busy blaming all other bad or unusual weather events on "climate change".

Some Climate Realists point out unusually cool or cold weather to imply there is no more global warming.

But in fact, there has been global warming for the past 325 years, since the cold 1690's during the low solar activity Maunder Minimum.

During that long-term global warming trend there were short-term periods with no warming, or with cooling.

Most recently, government officials had been claiming -0.5 to -0.6 degrees C. global cooling from about 1940 to 1975.

Those data were "inconvenient" because CO2 levels were rising at the time.

So the government bureaucrat "scientists" gradually adjusted away that cooling -- it is currently (falsely) claimed to have been only zero to -0.1 degrees C.

The temperature numbers are whatever the government bureaucrats tell you they are, and don't you forget it.

Too many Climate Realists have pointed out that the UAH satellite global average  temperature for June 2021 was below the 30-year average".

While that is true, the cooler than usual first half of 2021 is weather, not climate. 

Especially deceiving if it is not mentioned that the first 11 months of 2020 were unusually warm. 

Mentioning 2021 without mentioning 2020 is a deception. 

Climate Realists who respect real climate science should not cherry pick weather data, and imply it means much more than it actually does. 

When we do that, the climate alarmists will point out that we have data mined.

And we are confusing weather with climate, they will say.

It will be one of the few times they will be right, and we gave them the ammunition to shoot us down with. 

And then the climate alarmists will go back to the voodoo they do so well: 
   Yet another year (64 in a row, so far) predicting a coming climate crisis ... that never shows up.

They have their always wrong predictions.

Because they live in a climate fantasyland.

We Climate Realists live in reality.

And we should respect climate science.

And that means we should not imply that some short term climate trend, or weather event, marks the end of the multi-hundred year global warming trend, since the late 1600s.

That trend will end -- they all do -- but that doesn't mean we should try to predict the date.

Let the climate alarmists look like fools by making always wrong climate predictions -- and let them confuse weather with climate -- they always do -- even unusually cold weather is claimed to be caused by global warming.

Climate alarmists operate without real science, common sense, logic. and uncertainty (aka junk science).

But they are VERY quick to criticize Climate Realists when we do the same thing.

Short-term climate trends and local weather events should not be used to make points about long term climate change.

Weather is not climate.

Of course that fact does not apply to climate alarmists !

They have their own "rules" (anything goes).