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Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday morning climate rap: The global average temperature statistic, and why it doesn't matter before 1979

Our current brilliant government bureaucrat scientists have NOT solved all the measurement problems.

In fact the surface temperature numbers consist of very little data.

By data I mean raw measurements.

Once a raw measurement is adjusted, it is no longer real data.

It is an estimate of what the data would have been if measured correctly in the first place.

Beyond the initial adjustments, are later repeated adjustments and infilling of grids with no weather stations, and any missing weather station data.

That infilling (wild guessing) is a deep dark secret -- just try to find out what percentage of temperature numbers in the global average temperature statistic were guesses, not measurements.

The global average temperature compilations before the use of satellites in 1979 are not fit for scientific analysis.

Surface coverage was insufficient and there was s too much infilling by bureaucrats who WANT to see more global warming, with no satellite data as a check and balance.

Surface data get increasingly worse before 1950, and are worthless before 1900. 

The charts below will show the poor coverage of land surfaces.

Ocean coverage is even worse before the use of ARGO floats about 20 years ago.

Mainly Northern Hemisphere shipping channels with repeated changes of measurement methodologies, with no effort made to determine whether those changes caused a warming trend.