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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"NASA caught "adjusting" 2016 Global Temperature Graph"


"Geologist Dr. Roger Higgs (DPhil, Oxford, Geology, of has just released a new take down of the anthropogenic global warming scam.

Below is a summation of his findings–which you can find in full over at ResearchGate (Technical Note 2021-5).

In what Dr Higgs calls yet another manipulation of the data, in early 2021, NASA discreetly lowered the 2016 global average temperature –previously the highest on record– to make the year 2020 seem like the hottest.

NASA play these ‘games of adjustment’ all the time, and each and every time, without fail, their tweaks support the man-made global warming narrative.

Below are copies of NASA’s 1880-2020 global temperature chart ‘before & after’ their most recent “adjustment”:

This is a subtle change, but one crucial to maintaining the AGW narrative.

By reducing 2016’s annual temperature, government bodies have taken control of reality — they are able to fool the unquestioning masses into believing global average temperatures are linearly increasing and have increased since 2016, when the very opposite is true.

... A NASA statement released Jan 14, 2021 informed the world that the globally averaged temperature in 2020 was “slightly warmer than 2016.”

“The last seven years have been the warmest on record, typifying the ongoing and dramatic warming trend,” said GISS Director Gavin Schmidt at the time, who added:

“As the human impact on the climate increases, we have to expect that records will continue to be broken.”

The infamous Dr Schmidt did not mention the altered 2016 data-point; or that 2016 still included the highest monthly temperature on record (red circle below); or the overall cooling trend seen since Feb 2016 (blue arrow below), which is continuing today."