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Sunday, July 4, 2021

"Slave Labor Builds Solar Panels to Signal Your Virtues"


'Slavery isn’t dead.
It’s alive in China.

Slave labor, in fact, is used to help build solar panels signaling virtues of the woke and filling corporatist coffers.

We are living in an age of total corruption.

The world is in the hands of communists and corporatists who are not only stealing from the common man, but even enslaving him to build their fortunes of money and power.

They are ... twisting virtue inside out and using it to achieve their selfish purposes.

We are now at the point, in fact, where an unholy alliance of Chinese communists in league with hedge fund corporatists have, by hyping global warming as a religious cause,

managed to convince the West it is morally compelled to buy solar panels from a foreign enemy that uses slave labor to produce the materials needed for them.
slave labor

A poignant photo from “In Broad Daylight” report showing slave labor being used to crush silicon to help make solar panels that will serve to display the virtues of the climate cultists while unjustly enriching our corporatists and feeding our enemies in communist China.

That all sounds pretty rash, doesn’t it?

But, sadly, it’s absolutely true.

Solar energy has no future, and never did, without government subsidies of the likes given by Western governments.

The “save the planet” excuse is pure Gaia worship and has been nurtured by the corporatist hedge-funder types ...  as the perfect altar on which to sacrifice the ratepayer and taxpayer bulls they later consume as the high priests of green energy finance.

And, how is the solar money made?

By relying on government money to pay the rent and buying the solar panels on the cheap from a communist China that has captured the market on the rare earth minerals needed and uses slave labor to produce the panels themselves.

Yes, that is precisely what is happening.

The facts may be found in a report titled “In Broad Daylight, Uyghur Forced Labour and Global Solar Supply Chains” issued by Sheffield Hallam University, a public research university in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.

Here is just some of what is revealed about the slave labor used to produce the polysilicon for those solar panels that are soothing climate consciences and filling corporatist coffers:

    The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has placed millions of indigenous Uyghur and Kazakh citizens from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR or Uyghur Region) into what the government calls “surplus labour” and “labour transfer” programmes.

An official PRC government report published in November 2020 documents the “placement” of 2.6 million minoritised citizens in jobs in farms and factories within the Uyghur Region and across the country through these state-sponsored “surplus labour” and “labour transfer” initiatives.

The government claims that these programmes are in accordance with PRC law and that workers are engaged voluntarily, in a concerted government-supported effort to alleviate poverty.

However, significant evidence – largely drawn from government and corporate sources – reveals that labour transfers are deployed in the Uyghur Region within an environment of unprecedented coercion, undergirded by the constant threat of re-education and internment.

Many indigenous workers are unable to refuse or walk away from these jobs, and thus the programmes are tantamount to forcible transfer of populations and enslavement.

And, here are some of the details relating to this use of solar slave labor:

    95% of solar modules rely on one primary material – solar-grade polysilicon.

    Polysilicon manufacturers in the Uyghur Region account for approximately 45% of the world’s solar-grade polysilicon supply.

    Hoshine Silicon Industry, the metallurgical-grade silicon producer in the region with the highest production capacity, has participated in labour transfer programmes and has significant exposure to forced labour through its quartz supplier.

    All four of XUAR’s polysilicon manufacturers – Daqo, TBEA (and subsidiary Xinte), Xinjiang GCL, and East Hope – have reported their participation in labour transfer or labour placement programmes and/or are supplied by raw materials companies that have.

    Daqo alone is a supplier to the four largest solar module manufacturers in the world – JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, LONGi Green Energy, and JA Solar.

    In 2020, China produced an additional 30% of the world’s polysilicon on top of that produced in the Uyghur Region, a significant proportion of which may be affected by forced labour in the Uyghur Region as well.

... The report authors also identified the following slave labor companies in communist China:

    11 companies engaged in forced labour transfers.

    4 additional companies located within industrial parks that have accepted labour transfers.

    90 Chinese and international companies whose supply chains are affected.

One of those companies identified above is Daqo New Energy Corp., a polysilicon manufacturer that supplies Jinko Solar Holdings which, in turn, supplies the following companies.

the Vivint Solar is at the top of the list and is well known here at NaturalGasNOW.

It was financially rescued by none other than Andrew ... Cuomo through his phony NY Green Bank.

As I noted, “tne Vivant Solar investor, in fact, is on this list of Cuomo fat cat donors.

It’s Jim Simons, father of Nat Simons, who is the man behind Renaissance Technologies LLC, which bought $1,308,000 (some 493,455 shares) of Vivent just prior to the announcement of the NY Green Bank deal.

Vivent didn’t do so well after getting its money from Cuomo although there was a brief bump up in its stock price.

It subsequently got swallowed by SunRun and, no doubt, provided lots of profits, additional financing and green eggs and scam investing opportunities for Jim Simons and SunRun.

Vivint also continues to operate within the SunRun family and is getting the opportunity to profit by selling solar panels made with polysilicon produced with slave labor.

Look who else also uses solar panels depending on polysilicon made with slave labor; none other than Consolidated Edison, which is doing its best to pander to to Cuorruptocrat after being slapped around by him.

This is the reality of solar;
it’s a corporatist scam on America with the help of slave labor provided by our enemy and the enemy of all free nations — communist China.

No amount of moralizing about the unsettled need to “save the planet” as if it was human erases any of that."