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Thursday, July 8, 2021

"Summer Snow and Sub-Zero Lows Sweep Canada, as South America Freeze"


"A severe summer chill has invaded large pockets of Canada.

The Arctic invasion has brought temperatures plummeting below zero (C) in northern parts — the mercury in Cape Dyer, Naunavut, for example, has tumbled to -5.4C (22F).

Summer snow is also settling, predominantly on the north coast of Labrador.

Worth also noting is how Armstrong, Ontario and Gillam, Manitoba went from 35C+ to a summer freeze in barely 3 days — yet another example of the Grand Solar Minimum and the swing between extremes.

Never before at this time of year (aka summer) has the Greenland ice sheet actually GAINED mass.

But nobody’s talking about Greenland — and as with Canada’s summer snow, and North America’s anomalous chill, we can add the icy island’s real-world observations to the ever-growing list of ‘unreported weather phenomena’,

as the obfuscating MSM focuses ALL its attention on the West’s heat; that is, despite Earth’s average temperature falling below the 30-year baseline in June:

    June, 2021 in Bolivia came out colder than average, according to the country’s meteorological agency.

A few positive anomalies prevailed in the Andina regions, but the majority of locales, particularly those at low elevations, were routinely bombarded by polar blasts.

   June, 2021 in Argentina also finished-up colder than average, most notably across the north of the country.

Record lows and snows have swept Argentina in recent weeks:

In fact, the majority of the South America continent has been dealing with record-breaking chills:

The continent’s’s early-season cold snap is persisting into July, too, as a colder-than-average Antarctica continues to ‘fling’ frigid polar air masses to the lower latitudes."