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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday morning climate rap: It's time for another prediction of doom about the Great Lakes water levels

Living in Michigan since Summer of 1977, I've read predictions about Great Lakes water levels for the past 44 years.

About once a decade -- sometimes twice -- we read the Great Lakes' water level is very low, and will fall even more, or the water level is very high, and will rise even more. 

And that prediction is always claimed to be bad news.

None of the predictions ever come true. 

I doubt if Michiganders bother listening, unless they have a home on the shore. 

It's been a few years since the last batch of scare stories, so we are "overdue" for another batch. 

But the cold February 2021 weather in Texas, and hot late June 2021 weather in the northwest states, got all the attention.

I know with high confidence the next batch of predictions of Great Lakes water levels will be bad news, and wrong. 

Just like predictions of the future climate are always bad news, and wrong. 

The bad news never happens.

Do you see a pattern?  

Some of the headlines from recent years are below, followed by a chart of all Great Lakes water levels.  The chart is from this website