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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Vogel et. al nonsense study in the next article is getting climate realists all riled up -- but it has another devious purpose

Climate realists are over excited by the Vogel study (next article) because they associated it with socialism. 

That's irrelevant. We already have socialism in the United States -- based on total federal, state and local government spending as a percentage of GDP. 

You can not honestly call this capitalism anymore.

The Vogel study has nothing to do with socialism.

If you consider the recommendations, they would require a communist dictatorship to implement. 

No democratic socialist government could force their citizens into a much lower standard of living -- not if there are still elections.

Even among American socialists (Democrats), communism is not very popular. 

So what purpose could the Vogel study have, other than getting half the US population all riled up?

Thanks to corporate support, US leftists have the ability to ignore or censor information they don't agree with.

For one recent example:

A study was released in mid-June 2021, and reported at the link below, that got this headline:    

-- Global energy use in 2009 was 80.3% fossil fuels, almost identical to global energy use in 2019 of 80.2% fossil fuels. 

That study was very embarrassing to climate alarmists, so the website with the study "disappeared" in one day. 

I challenge anyone to find the study now.

More information on the study, and the chart that got the study in trouble is here:

We are getting to see the Vogel study because it has a purpose. 

That purpose is to make all the current 'Net Zero" proposals look mild, in comparison, rather than being seen as the radical infeasible proposals they actually are.

The Vogel study takes minds away from the arbitrary +1.5 degree C. warming goal and the false claim that global warming is harmful in any way. 

We have had global warming since the mid-1970s and the largest effects were warmer winter nights in the Arctic, and the greening of our planet from more CO2 in the atmosphere.

There is no climate emergency.

There is no climate problem.

The planet does not have to be saved.

But it's hard to focus on those climate science basic facts when a study like Vogel et. al. gets everyone all riled up.