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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thursday afternoon climate rap: How to become a climate alarmist

CO2 must be seen as a satanic gas -- the devil in the sky.

You believe that because for the past 45 years, there has been a strong positive correlation between the atmospheric CO2 level and the global average temperature.  

And never mind that correlation does not prove causation.   That's right wing talk !

When the IPCC arbitrarily declared all natural causes of climate change were "noise" in 1995, you were thrilled.  

Their scientific proof: "Because we say so".  

That's good enough "proof" for climate alarmists. 

Never mind the 4.5 billion years, prior to 1975, where there is no evidence that CO2 was ever the temperature "control knob". 

Never mind the global cooling from 1940 to 1975 as CO2 levels  rose -- reported as -0.5 to -0.6 degrees C. cooling by official organizations back in 1975. 

Because the government bureaucrat "scientists" have been gradually "adjusting" that global cooling period away, and it is almost "gone" now.

Their old excuse, that there was no global warming from 1940 to 1975 because air pollution was blocking some sunlight, was not selling well.

When a new global warming trend began in 1975, the climate alarmists couldn't explain how all the air pollution suddenly fell out of the sky in 1975 !   

It was easier to "adjust" away the global cooling from 1940 to 1975, than to keep selling the air pollution fairy tale.

The bottom line with climate alarmists is that they will always ignore contrary evidence that ruins a scary CO2 fairy tale.

Of course that fairy tale is that a climate crisis is coming in 10 or 20 years 

 -- and has been coming in 10 or 20 years for the past 60 years -- 

and will ALWAYS be coming in 10 or 20 years.  

That climate crisis must have taken a wrong turn, and got lost on the way !

Lessons to become a climate alarmist:

-- Exaggerate the mild, harmless global warming in the past 45 years.

Blame every bad news weather event on "climate change."

If a denier points any unusually cold weather, tell him that's just "weather".

Ignore the lack of global warming from 1940 to 1975, as CO2 increased.

Ignore the decline of US heatwaves since the 1930s:

Ignore the decline of US land falling hurricanes for the past 120 years: 

Ignore the decline of typhoons formed for the past 70 years:

Ignore the decline of US tornadoes, EF1 and stronger, for past 50 years:

Ignore the many US state heat records that were set in the 1930s:

Ignore the wrong predictions (100% wrong) of environmental doom since the 1960s

If you are a climate alarmist, you have to do a lot of climate ignoring, and a lot of scary climate predicting, accompanied by the appropriate hand waving and hysteria !