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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday morning climate rap: Is Net Zero designed to fail?

Some basic facts about unreliables (renewables):

The most important attribute of an electric grid = reliability

The least reliable source of electric power = wind

Another unreliable source of electric power = sunlight

One windmill + wind speed under 6 to 7mph 
= no electricity

One bazillion windmills + wind under 6 to 7mph 
= no electricity

Battery back-up can multiply a solar or wind farm cost by 10x.

Solar and wind farms have a lifespan of about 20 years.

Natural gas power plants have a lifespan of about 60 years.

Nuclear power plants have a lifespan of about 80 years.

These facts are almost always ignored when comparing the cost of electricity from different sources.

Also usually ignored:
-- Costs of long transmission lines to new solar and wind farms

-- Costs of 115% back up fossil fuel power for nights with insufficient wind speed to generate electricity. 115% rather than 100% to allow for some fossil fuel plants to be temporarily shut down for maintenance, plus a margin of safety.

Spending a huge amount of money to replace a reliable electric grid, powered mainly by fossil fuels, with a less reliable electric grid powered mainly by unreliables, sounds like a plan developed by China to hinder the US economy.

Meanwhile, western nations buy Chinese solar panels made by slave labor, using coal energy, while completely ignoring one billion people in the world living in poverty, often people of color, who have no electricity at all. 

Leftists could not care less about people with no electricity -- they are too busy wasting money on THEMSELVES, to make their own electric grid less reliable, with more expensive electricity.

Meanwhile, most of the nations in Asia, Africa and South America could not care less about Net Zero, meaning that Net Zero is guaranteed to fail.

It is my opinion that Net Zero is so far from being feasible, that it is actually designed to fail. 

And that failure will be used by leftist governments to ramp up their power even more, and create strong new energy regulations. 

When told a more powerful government is needed to save the planet, leftists will choose saving the planet (that actually doesn't need saving at all), because they have always preferred a strong government, and now they have an excuse.
"Saving the planet for the children" is a great sales pitch for a national socialist (fascist) government.  
And we are certainly moving in that direction.