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Friday, August 27, 2021

Blaming problems in Afghanistan and Africa on climate change, requires ignoring data.


"Journalist H.L. Mencken observed:
  “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”


    “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”

... Dr. Patrick Moore (Greenpeace Co-Founder), author of “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom” Paperback Comments on the CBS story:

This CBS article reads, “Rural Afghanistan has been rocked by climate change.

The past three decades have brought floods and drought that have destroyed crops and left people hungry.

And the Taliban likely without knowing climate change was the cause - has taken advantage of that pain.”

... objective data on Afghan crop production, in kilograms per hectare, shows a rising trend

... We can also show the U.N. publication’s dishonesty by looking at NASA satellite images showing how vegetation and greenery are increasing and decreasing around the globe.

... NASA images ... show that in the Sahel region at the southern edge of the Sahara desert, vegetation and greenery have been increasing in more areas and to a greater degree than in the small regions of the Sahel where vegetation is retreating.

Increasing greenery reflects better crop conditions.

... The whole notion of global warming causing herders to beat, rob, and kill each other is based on the assertion that global warming is stifling the vegetation growth and crop production that supports animal herding.

Yet ... Sahelian and African vegetation and crop production are substantially improving, not declining, as the Earth modestly warms.

"Heavy Rains Hinder Humanitarian Access”
- The U.N. publication claims, “A record 54.3 million people need humanitarian assistance across West and Central Africa, but extreme weather patterns are affecting the capacity of humanitarian personnel to quickly reach the most vulnerable people.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, only 1.3 per cent of roads are paved, and the remaining road system is prone to floods during the rainy season.

This leads to landslides and roads being inaccessible, delaying humanitarian assistance for days.”

The U.N. presents a heartbreaking tale of flooding and resulting humanitarian crises in Congo, but the objective data destroy the false assertion that global warming is to blame.

A study of rainfall data in central Africa, presented last year in the peer-reviewed journal Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, shows no trend-change in precipitation during the past 100 years in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

How can global warming be making flooding in Congo worse when there is no change in the amount of rainfall?

Shilling for Dictators
- In summary, the objective data show that the United Nations is more concerned with making excuses for the failures of African dictators than presenting accurate information about global warming.

As shown in the World Population Review ranking of Freest Countries, the nations featured in the U.N. publication are among the least free in the world.

Only 1.3 percent of roads in Congo are paved because the country is run by repressive dictators, not because of global warming.

Food insecurity continues to increase in the Sahel, despite a greening of the region and increasing crop production, because the region is governed by repressive dictators.

Global warming is the convenient excuse presented by dictators and big-government apologists throughout the world.

The fact is that global warming is creating more beneficial conditions in Africa and throughout the world, but global warming is the convenient scapegoat on which to hang fictitious crisis and real crises that are created by government, not climate.

Posted on 08/20/21